
Dog Obedience Training Tips and Tricks

How to educate a dog to obedience Living with a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences for most people who have had or continue to have pets.  They are loyal creatures, faithful companions  who will always be by our side, in good times and in the most difficult ones, always giving us their unconditional affection.  However, in order to create a harmonious coexistence with your dog, it is necessary that the dog understands and obeys you. Many guardians have found themselves wondering  how to educate a dog  , because in everyday situations they realize that the animal does not understand, does not obey or simply ignores us.  In this regard, in this AnimalPedia article, we want to give you some practical advice to make the dog obey. Basic Obedience Commands for Dogs Welcoming a new member of the family into your home is very satisfying, but it  also represents a great responsibility  .  When you adopt  a dog  you will need to mak...

Training Tips for Aggressive Dogs

Tips for an aggressive dog Those who share life with a dog know how worrying it is to observe aggression in him.  Until recently, training techniques claimed that the only way to "dominate" a dog was to subdue it.  Fortunately, this has changed for the good of the dogs and the owners. In many situations we can observe "aggressive" (or reactive) dogs, and the truth rarely has to do with dominance, we are used to reading that for a dog to respect us and we can teach it, we must be "the dominant".  The truth is that you don't have to dominate any dog ​​to make it listen to us.  The key is communication. First of all, we must bear in mind that dogs are of a totally different species from us and have a different way of seeing the world.  In this AnimalWised article, we will explain everything you need to know about canine aggression and we will give you the best  tips for an aggressive dog . Why are dogs aggressive? It will probably seem strange to you to t...

Dog Training Ideas

Dog training is the responsibility that YOU signed on for when you brought your dog through your front door for the first time. The whole dog training experience can be pleasant for BOTH you and your dog. Dog training does not have to be hard or frustrating. It is therefore vital that you adopt the ideas from the dog trai ning tips that strive towards long term success, and not temporary satisfaction. When dog training we must respect, understand, and use the rules Mother Nature has imposed upon the system we experience as a developing individual. Using only proven methods that are psychologically sound for DOGS during dog training is so important because it makes the process natural, with quick results, and eliminates subtle dog training mistakes that very often sabotage all your efforts. By applying gentle and proven dog training principles you can easily prevent behavior problems and promote a loving, cooperative bond between you and your dog. Whether this is your first dog or...

Teach Dog to Bark on Command

 Train Your Dog To Bark On Someone When You Want With This Simple Steps Almost all dog owners agree that a barking dog is good protection and an exceptional criminal alert, yet you need the capacity to control the yelping. In the event that you don't teach your canine to bark just at the proper occasions (alarms, a commotion outside the window, and when drawn nearer by outsiders), your neighbors are probably going to loathe your closest companion, and you since you neglect to control your dog.  Not all dog proprietors need their dog to quit yapping totally, yet many need to have the option to control their woofing dog and to realize that when the dog is yelping is a direct result of something that truly merits the proprietor's consideration. A yelping dog is an irritating dog just when the proprietor can't control the woofing or when the dog barks unnecessarily for everything and at each seemingly insignificant detail or article.  This article won't just tell you the be...

7 month old puppy keeps having pooping accidents in the house - never pees in house

What's going on? She can hold her pee for like 9 hours but she keeps having pooping accidents in the house - often times 3-4 times a week Her pooping schedule is incredibly strange. Some days, she poops in the morning and then doesn't go until 4 pm. Today I took her out at 7 am, walked her (she pooped), and then she pooped in house 90 minutes later. WTF?? Yesterday I walked her at 6 pm (she pooped), then pooped again in the house 2 hours later (at 8) and then she didn't poop at midnight when I walked her. I woke up in the morning and there was nothing in the cage. It's just super inconsistent - somedays she poops in 2-hour intervals and then doesn't go for 9 hours. is there anything I can do here outside of just praising her and giving her treats when she goes outside? What's bizarre is she's completely rocking solid on peeing. Honestly, I think she could hold the pee for 10 hours I'm doing crate training with her and she never ever poops in her cage but...